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Honestly the game looks interesting. However, fighting isn't really my strong suit and trying to last for five minutes is daunting when I can't even reach the one minute mark. Could you cut down the amount of time needed to last so that I can progress and enjoy the rest of what you have to offer?

And sometimes the slashing doesn't really work so I have to take quite a bit of damage before getting a good hit. This is especially troublesome when you can have a whole wave cultists coming after you without you being able to damage enough of their numbers. 


Heya! Thanks for the feedback. The new survival time was set to 2:00 and the amount of cultists was lowered. Please let me know if this works for you :)

Yep! Significant improvement. Feels like something that would work as a tutorial.

cool game but need few thing 
1) full screen hard to play without full screen 

2) the slash is very buggy and something unti is work taking alot of damge 

3) some monster can hit you even if that abit far from you can be bug or collision box is to big 

4) 5 min man is so long my hand get dead 


Hello! Thank you for your feedback. I really appreciate you took your time to write this!

I will take a look at these points/bugs soon :)